Over the Line- Ltd. Gallery Show

Coen Bros Poster

Opening on June 7th at Ltd. Gallery– “Over the Line!” is an art show tribute to Coen Brothers films, curated by Chris Jackson. I’m honored to be included with my entry “The Dude Abides.”




Great Donkey Kong/2001 Space Odyessy mashup from Naolito.

Igor Morski

Igor Morski

Igor Morski creates incredible allegorical worlds.

Rick Murphy


Rick Murphy beautifully stylizes Seattle.

Jing Zhang

Jing Zhang

Jing Zhang creates fun infographics with a twist.

Ryan Claytor

Elephant Eater

Ryan Claytor, author and artist of the autobiographical comic book series, And Then One Day, has launched a crowd-funding campaign to print a compiled edition of his most recent story-arc on autobiographical theory, collectively titled, Autobiographical Conversations.

Ryan is a wonderfully talented artist and I’ve been honored to sell beside him in the Small Press area at San Diego’s Comic-Con for the last three years (and will again this July.) He has a well-deserved following, but could use even more support to fund this great project. Visit the IndieGoGo crowd funding link below to learn more and help him reach his goal.

Ryan Claytor’s Campaign Page

David Chao- Pig Box

Pig Box from David Chao

Ballroom Luminoso

Ballroom Luminoso

Joe O’Connell and Blessing Hancock’s public work “Ballroom Luminoso” combines bicycle parts into beautiful underpass chandeliers.

Antoni Tudisco

Antoni Tudisco

Check out the lush and kinetic work from Antoni Tudisco.

Movies Reimagined

The Hangover

Great collection of “what if” movie posters from Peter Stults.

Flying Monkeys of Burlington

Flying Monkeys

A unique flying monkey gargoyle tradition resides in Burlington. via Kuriositas

Matt Ferguson

Matt Ferguson

Matt Ferguson creates beautiful comic book depictions.

ChetArt Card Sets On Display


I received pictures from long-time supporter of ChetArt foolishness, Dan over in the U.K. He has just put together framed displays of the various card sets he has purchased, ready for display in his home. Thank you Dan, for the great honor you’ve given my work and for sharing the beautiful results!

WWM Framed


Superlative Framed




Monica Knighton


This new offering from the ultra-talented Monica Knighton transforms her illustration style into beautiful necklace form with laser engraved alder wood from Ink It Labs.

Check out her online shop HERE



Great Little Golden Book take on Bioshock by Joebot.

Cube Creative

5m80 Extrait from Cube Creative

Danil Krivoruchko


Danil Krivoruchko’s work includes the One Thousand Ksoids project.

Camilo Güell

Camilo Güell

Geometric transformations by Camile Güell.

Manon Wethly

Manon Wethly

Look  within Manon Wethly’s Instagram site for a fun series of airborne beverages.

Pacific Rim

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