ChetArt at Blue Genie Art Bazaar

ChetArt Blue Genie500

The 2013 Blue Genie Art Bazaar is a month-long holiday retail venue of artist’s work. Check out 140+ artist’s work, including items from ChetArt, now through Dec. 24th. More pictures of the venue to come.

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Rodeo

Non-Sports Update Magazine

Non-Sport Update

A big thanks goes out to Roxanne Toser for this great spotlight on the Non-Sport Update Magazine blog. An even bigger thanks to the legendary Len Brown for pointing her in the direction of my work. I had the pleasure of meeting Len, now a fellow Austinite, at a recent showing of my work.

Blue Genie Art Bazaar

Blue Genie

Starting this Friday through the 24th of December, you can find a variety of ChetArt merchandise available at this year’s legendary Blue Genie Art Bazaar. If you’re in the Austin area during the holidays, be sure to put a trip to this fantastic shopping experience (140+ artists) on your list of things to do. Find out more about the event HERE.

Pop Chart Lab

Hand Tools

Beautiful chart of hand tools from Pop Chart Lab.

This is not a dog

Rene Pugritte

Born on this day in 1898, surrealist painter René Magritte gave the world a unique vision. My tribute to the artist, titled René Pugritte celebrates his many visual accomplishments including his painting of a dog collar titled “This is not a dog collar.”

I Found a Star

I Found A Star from 卤猫

Steampunk Bike

Steampunk Bike

Via Steampunk Tendencies

Matthew Quick

Matthew Quick

Beautifully rendered imagery with a message from Matthew Quick.

Flying Mouse 365

Flying Mouse 365

An abundance of cleverness can be found over at Flying Mouse 365.

Joshua Catalano

I have no idea what i’m doing from Joshua Catalano

Web Sites with Texture

Lorena Orraca

A selection of sites utilizing a variety of textures in their designs.

Michael Wolf

Michael Wolf

Michael Wolf’s architectural photos double as abstract representations.

Paula Swisher

Paula Swisher

Paula Swisher draws delicate bird portraiture on a variety of surfaces.

Video Game Title Design

Tom Guald- Noisy Alphabet

Tom Gauld-Alphabet

Tom Guald creates a brilliant collection of alien sounds with his noisy alphabet.



Truthiness” is my tribute to the comic genius of Stephen Colbert. I can’t imagine having to deal with the insanity of politics without Mr. Colbert’s brilliant ability to provide a humorous release valve. He’s not afraid of tackling any issue. (Except…. bears.)

Visit the online shop here for the signed 11 x 14 tribute print.

Tory Novikova


Celebrate the Day of the Dead with Tory Novikova’s great Skullmonster Mask.

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