Crafts Council

Experimental animation meets pottery from Crafts Council

Danile Schulze

for those who see from Daniel Schulze / bitsbeauty

Paco Pomet

Paco Pomet

Paco Pomet subverts everyday imagery into something special.

Rick Garlington

Rick Garlington(Click to Enlarge)

Fantastic paper and rubber stamp creations from our friend Rick Garlington.

Jen Sorensen- Pride and Prejudice Illustrated Briefly


So you say you’re a fan of all things Jane Austen? Then you’ll need to add Jen Sorensen’s witty “Pride and Prejudice Illustrated Briefly” poster to your collection.

Find it here.

Blue Genie 2013-ChetArt


It’s the last weekend of holiday shopping before Christmas at this year’s Blue Genie Art Bazaar. ChetArt is represented with signed prints, card sets, coloring books and nightlights. Shop from 140+ artists in this unique venue through Dec. 24th.


Mathew Lucas

Mathew Lucas

Check out the wonderful selection of animated gifs by Mathew Lucas.

Matt Kaufenberg


Matt Kaufenberg

Colorful, fun work from Matt Kaufenberg.

Samantha French

Samantha French

Underwater painting series by Samantha French.

Bored Game

BORED GAMEâ„¢ from Dark Igloo

Michael Cho- Watchmen

Michael Cho

Wonderful Watchmen rendition and color scheme from Michael Cho.



Shoe sculptures from Filfury.

Ben Aston- Polygonn

Polygonn – The Bishops from Ben Aston

Amy Rawson

Amy Rawson

Needle felted Cthulhu Santa by Amy Rawson.

Jee Young Lee


Jee Young Lee creates surreal environments without the aid of photo manipulation.

via My Modern Met

Alexandre Belbari

Alexandre Belbari

Beautiful work from Alexandre Belbari.

RBDG Christmas Cards

Santa's Unified Theory2013 (Click Image to Enlarge)

For over 20 years I’ve had the honor of creating the Christmas card for Russ Berger Design Group. Russ has always been a hands off client, allowing me to have fun with whatever silliness I can come up with. Russ creates audio design for some big names and it’s always a fun challenge every year to find a new angle to keep them guessing. The majority of cards have usually included Russ and his employees. This year was a departure with a scientific approach to the magic of Christmas. Below is a sample of a few from the 21 cards I’ve created for Russ over the years.

Macy Parade1998

We're No Angels1999


Mall Rats2002

Carolers2004 (Click Image to Enlarge)

Skate Rock2005 (Click Image to Enlarge)

Song Titles2009



Lucid Stead

Lucid Stead from lou mora

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