Jenna Martin

Jenna Martin

Jenna Martin creates surreal worlds with her photography.

Matthew Grabelsky

Matthew Grabelsky

Jarring juxtapositions by Matthew Grabelsky.

Vucko- Original

Original / Short from Vucko

Marcelo Schultz

Marcelo Schultz

“We Love Kicks” from Marcelo Schultz

Ignacio Canales Aracil

Ignacio Canales Aracil

Ignacio Canales Aracil creates vessel shapes with pressed flowers.

John Edmark- Helicone

Helicone — an interactive kinetic sculpture from John Edmark

Kilian Schönberger- Brother Grimm’s Wanderings

Brothers Grimm Set

Kilian Schönberger offers up a set of magical photographs inspired by fairy tales.

Pier 9- Fibonacci Zoetrope Sculptures

Fibonacci Zoetrope Sculptures from Pier 9

Lana Crooks



Lana Crooks describes herself as a purveyor of faux specimens and soft curiosities.

Yukai Du- Way Out

Way Out from Yukai Du

Amy Bennett

Amy BennettEvening News- Oil on Panel

Amy Bennett creates paintings from the 3D models she constructs.

Estudio Guardabosques- Paper Animals

Estudio Guardabosques

Wonderful collection of paper folded animals from Estudio Guardabosques.

2014 Alternative Film Poster Art List


Shortlist has compiled a great list of poster art from alternative films of 2014, including one of my favorites, Jon Favreau’s Chef.

Daily Routines of Creative People


Chart showing the activities of famously creative people.

Click the graphic for a larger version.

Beutler Ink- Here’s to 2014


A tribute to 2014 by Beutler Ink. Click the image for the sourced larger view.

El Terror

EL TERROR from Franco

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