Steve Axford

Steve Axford

Beautiful fungi photography from Steve Axford.

Jorge Cervera Hauser

Jorge Cervera Hauser

Beautiful underwater photography by Jorge Cervera Hauser.


Andreas Lie

Andreas Lie

Double exposures by Andreas Lie. via My Modern Met

Sylvain Viau- Hover Craft

Sylvain Viau

Sylvain Viau digitally manipulates cars into proper hover mode.

Artists and Their Cats

Alison NastasiHerbert Tobias / Photograph by Peter Fuerst


Compiled by Alison Nastasi, a photo collection of artists with their cats.

Julie De Waroquier


Julie De Waroquier’s haunting “Doppelgänger” photo series.

Matthias Jung

matthias jung

Creative architectural collage work by Matthias Jung.

Edy Hardjo

Edy Hardjo

Action figure posing fun from photographer Edy Hrjoe.

Jenna Martin

Jenna Martin

Jenna Martin creates surreal worlds with her photography.

Kilian Schönberger- Brother Grimm’s Wanderings

Brothers Grimm Set

Kilian Schönberger offers up a set of magical photographs inspired by fairy tales.

Beth Moon

Beth Moon

Photographer Beth Moon captures images of some of the world’s rarest ancient trees.

Stephanie Jarstad- 12 Beards of Christmas

Stephanie Jarstad

Stephanie Jarstad presents the “12 Beards of Christmas.”

See them all via My Modern Met

Sandro Miller

Sandro Miller

Sandro Miller recreates iconic photos using John Malkovich. via The Inspiration

Sarah Martinet

Sarah Martinet

Stunning aerial photography by Sarah Martinet.

Brendan Fitzpatrick

Brendan FitzpatrickX-Rays of toys by Brendan Fitzpatrick. via Streets of Beige

Aliza Razell

Aliza Razell

Captivating image manipulation from Aliza Razell.

Japanese Manhole Cover Design


Photographer S. Morita documents an amazing collection of Japanese manhole covers.

Laura Williams

Laura Williams

U.K. photographer Laura Williams explores a world of illusions.

Alessandro Puccinelli

Alessandro Puccinelli

Photo series of RV in nature by Alessandro Puccinelli.

Adam Magyar

Adam Magyar – Stainless, 42 Street (excerpt)

Filming with a high speed camera, Adam Magyar creates the effect of frozen people as a train pulls into the station.

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