Blue Genie Art Bazaar

Blue Genie

Starting this Friday through the 24th of December, you can find a variety of ChetArt merchandise available at this year’s legendary Blue Genie Art Bazaar. If you’re in the Austin area during the holidays, be sure to put a trip to this fantastic shopping experience (140+ artists) on your list of things to do. Find out more about the event HERE.

Pop Chart Lab

Hand Tools

Beautiful chart of hand tools from Pop Chart Lab.

This is not a dog

Rene Pugritte

Born on this day in 1898, surrealist painter René Magritte gave the world a unique vision. My tribute to the artist, titled René Pugritte celebrates his many visual accomplishments including his painting of a dog collar titled “This is not a dog collar.”

I Found a Star

I Found A Star from 卤猫

Steampunk Bike

Steampunk Bike

Via Steampunk Tendencies

Matthew Quick

Matthew Quick

Beautifully rendered imagery with a message from Matthew Quick.

Flying Mouse 365

Flying Mouse 365

An abundance of cleverness can be found over at Flying Mouse 365.

Joshua Catalano

I have no idea what i’m doing from Joshua Catalano

Web Sites with Texture

Lorena Orraca

A selection of sites utilizing a variety of textures in their designs.

Michael Wolf

Michael Wolf

Michael Wolf’s architectural photos double as abstract representations.

Paula Swisher

Paula Swisher

Paula Swisher draws delicate bird portraiture on a variety of surfaces.

Video Game Title Design

Tom Guald- Noisy Alphabet

Tom Gauld-Alphabet

Tom Guald creates a brilliant collection of alien sounds with his noisy alphabet.



Truthiness” is my tribute to the comic genius of Stephen Colbert. I can’t imagine having to deal with the insanity of politics without Mr. Colbert’s brilliant ability to provide a humorous release valve. He’s not afraid of tackling any issue. (Except…. bears.)

Visit the online shop here for the signed 11 x 14 tribute print.

Tory Novikova


Celebrate the Day of the Dead with Tory Novikova’s great Skullmonster Mask.

Draw Me a Robot

Chris Jones

Draw Me a Robot is a great collection of artist interviews, work spaces and….robots.

(above- Chris Jones)

Zelda Devon

Zelda Devon

Great imagery and color schemes from Zelda Devon.

Muju Studio

Muju Studio

Beautiful hand painted resin sculpture from Muju Studio.

Typography Eye Candy


Follow this link to a great selection of typography design.

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