Happy New Year!

Or, as the Klingons would say: QISmaS botIvjaj ‘ej DIS chu’ botIvjaj!

Ten Great Years print

Max Dalton has created a wonderful visual chart of the phases and styles of The Beatles over a span of ten years.

The Ruins of Detroit

Beautiful photographic studies of decay and textures in this collection titled “The Ruins of Detroit.”

Terry Gilliam-“1884 Yesterdays Future”

Terry Gilliam plus Steampunk plus animation? You have my attention.

Have a very Monkey Christmas

Best Christmas card EVER. Thank you Steve and Laura!

Painter Canvas-Winter Edition

A big thanks goes out to the new Corel Painter Product manager Andy Church for including a spotlight of my work in the Winter edition of Painter Canvas.

Sandy Claws

“HE sees you when you’re sleeping, HE knows when you’re awake…HE knows if you’ve been bad or good…” HE is the man of the hour…  Read more about the history of Santa Claus Here.

Ty Mattson-Dexter

Ty Mattson has done it again, creating a wonderful graphic turn on one of my TV favorites, Dexter.

Green Optimist

Check out the delicate and whimsical drawings from Bulgarian artist Juri in his Green Optimist Etsy shop.

Creative Christmas Trees

Follow this link for a fun collection of creative Christmas trees.

Misha Burlatsky Ambrotypes

Misha Burlatsky creates photographs using the “Ambrotype” process. From the artist’s biography:  “The ambrotype process (from Greek ambrotos, “immortal”) or amphitype is a photographic process that uses the wet plate collodion process to create a negative photographic image on a sheet of glass using whick looks as a positive image when put upon a black background. It was invented by Frederick Scott Archer in 1851.”

Bobba Font

Fun font play from Lishoffs.

The Twelve Terrors of Christmas

What better combination than the words of John Updike with drawings by Edward Gorey? This puts me in just the right holiday spirit.


Brian Cook’s take on Twitter gave me a smile this morning.

Dr. Knowgood-Lion’s Pride

Fun animation from Arnold Zwanenburg.

Union of Superlative Heroes-Update

Thanks to the overwhelming demand for this card set due to some tremendous blog spotlights, quantities became limited very quickly. Additional sets are now available. Thank you to everyone for your tremendous support and interest in buying. Shop now at the Etsy Shop.

Chris Turnham

Wonderful graphic style from L.A. illustrator Chris Turnham.

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