I received my complimentary version of Painter X3 yesterday, handsomely contained in a mini collector’s can on a flash drive. It prompted me to recall purchasing version 1 in 1992 (pictured on the left) that was packaged in a standard sized gallon paint can filled with a fistful of diskettes and manual. A lot has changed through 13 versions of Painter, but it still remains my program of choice for creating artwork. This new version looks sharp and runs stable. Learn more about this product here.
Tag: Painter
Greg Newman
Greg Newman knows how to capture the essence of celebrity. His Tim Burton portrait is perfect for the season.
Secrets of Corel Painter Experts
I recently had the honor of being included in the Daryl Wise and Linda Hellfritsch publication “Secrets of Corel Painter Experts.” Each of the seventeen artists are given a chapter that includes a step by step process and a gallery of works.
Painter Canvas-Winter Edition
A big thanks goes out to the new Corel Painter Product manager Andy Church for including a spotlight of my work in the Winter edition of Painter Canvas.
The Evolution of a Monkey
Here’s an simplified example of the steps I take to create one of my Steampunk Monkey Nation characters. I scan my pencil sketch and open in Painter. It’s used as a guide for creating the black and white line work with Painter’s Scratchboard tool. Color is applied to a lower layer which shows through the line work since it’s converted to a “Gel” composite layer (something similar to Photoshop’s Darken or Multiply layer attribute.)
Here’s a bit of background on Professor Horatio Sprocketnotch:
Brilliant but quite mad mastermind behind of scores of scientific breakthroughs. These include: the creation of the Eye of Radical Hyperbaric Transcendence and Licorice Legs. Pictured holding his greatest creation, the inter-dimensional tsunami egg of destruction, which worked perfectly the first and only time it was activated.