San Diego Comic Con 2013 was a great experience with high energy fun, over the top creativity every where you looked and record breaking sales for us. We enjoyed seeing our fellow Small Press vendors from years back and meeting many new creatives. We had lots of return buyers and fans visit us and purchase some new offerings, along with a visit from Bob Leeper of Nevermore Evermore (see his Nerdvana Comic Con reporting HERE) and Don Thompson of Blurppy fame. We enjoyed a surprise visit from our good friend David Patton and his family and he was kind enough to take a picture of us in our booth. (above) Celebrity sightings were sparse, but did see Stan Lee signing across the aisle from us and Molly C. Quinn wandering by and posing for fan pictures. Frankly, we kept our heads down so much with transactions there’s no telling who may have walked by the main aisle next to us. We were proud and happy to see and sell alongside our great fellow Small Press friends Dane, Ashley and John of Monkey Minion Press, Paul Horn of Cool Jerk, Matt of Mincing Mockingbird, Ryan Claytor of Elephant Eater Comics, Paul Friedrich, George “Geo” Davis and Bill Robinson of Flimflammery. Elsewhere on the floor we were happy to spend some time with Cesare and Kirstie of Curio and Co. and see Daniel and Dawna of Steam Crow, both with amazing booth designs.
Below are lots of pictures from the event.
Hopefully the view of the Ender’s Game pavilion from our hotel room is a lucky sign that my artwork will make it through film editing and show up on a wall in Ender’s room.
Our location in the Small Press area.
Video pan area indicated in red to give a perspective of the enormity of the room.
(Click pictures to enlarge)
These dapper gents really liked my Steampunk Monkey Nation portrait with gear prints.
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