Kaiju Baseball Tees


ChetArt Kaiju Baseball players now available on….Baseball Tees!

~Shop Link~

Richard Silver Panoramic Churches

Richard Silver

Richard Silver creates stunning panoramic shots of church interiors.

Movie Phone Super Call

Movie Phone Super Call from Burger Fiction

Monster Squad Art Show


Creature Features presents a curated art show by Chogrin celebrating the classic movie “The Monster Squad.” Opening reception will be Saturday Sept. 26th. I’m proud to be a part of this fun event.

My 1/1 print on wood entry for the show is titled “Bloodmobile.”

Bloodmobile500“Bloodmobile” by Chet Phillips

~Available for purchase online here~


Andrea Minini

Andrea Minini

Andrea Minini creates animals with a moiré pattern effect.

Guillermo Del Toro Art Show Video

Light- Stephen Ong

Light from Stephen Ong

Kirsty Mitchell

Kirsty Mitchell

Kirsty Mitchell’s fantastical photography.

Guillermo Del Toro: In Service of Monsters Art Show

GDT Show

Opening night at Gallery 1988’s Guillermo Del Toro: In Service of Monsters show brought a special guest. The man himself showed up for a pre-opening walk through of the gallery.


“Death Match” Limited Edition Prints Available Here

King of the Monsters

Get “King of the Monsters” Limited Edition Prints Here


LineGallery line stretches around the block.

CronosCakeCutting the Cronos cake with Gary Deocampo and Chogrin.

Alamo City Comic Con 2015


We had a wonderful weekend in San Antonio, vending at the 2015 Alamo City Comic Con. It was wonderful to see returning shoppers, meet new supporters and visit with insanely talented fellow exhibitors. Thank you to all the great folks who came by and showed some support for ChetArt!

Pan150Intricate body paint for this Pan’s Labyrinth outfit.

DayofTheDead500SilenceOfTheHappyMeals500Silence of the Happy Meals

MadSamurai500Mad Samurai

FeedingTime72Captain500HarleQueen500LuchaDad500Tim72Call me TIM

Some of the great fellow artists at ACCC this year:

JGhostFranHause500J “Ghost” and Fran Hause

ElisaWikey500Elisa Wikey

CrowTower500Daniel Davis/Steam Crow

MattFrank500Matt Frank

JohnPicacio500John Picacio

Phillip Salazar500Phillip Salazar

RobO72Rob Ozborne

Guillermo Del Toro Art Show-Gallery 1988

GDT_PHILLIPS_PROMO_REV“King of the Monsters” by Chet Phillips

Gallery 1988 celebrates the magical and monstrous films of Guillermo Del Toro with the art show: “In Service of Monsters,” curated by Chogrin Muñoz and Gary Deocampo. I was invited (and thus excited) to create an image for a promotional poster for the show. A variety of creatures emerge from a book, including characters from Blade 2, Pacific Rim, Hellboy, Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Pan’s Labyrinth and The Devil’s Backbone. The poster measures 11″ x 17″ and in addition, a signed limited edition Giclee print run and framed version will be available at the gallery and their online shop. I also created “Death Match” for the show. It’s a mash up of the Angel of Death from Hellboy 2 with a the Otachi kaiju and Gipsy Danger from Pacific Rim. For this entry, a print on wood and limited edition Giclee run will be available.

Show reception is Friday, September 11th- 7-10 PM

DeathMatch500“Death Match” by Chet Phillips

Limited edition prints are available for both of my pieces through these links:

“Death Match”

“King of the Monsters”

Laurent Pernot

Laurent Pernot

Laurent Pernot combines an icicle laden winter scene painting with a snow covered sculpture of himself.


Gabriel Schama

Gabriel Schama

Gabriel Schama creates intricate laser cut sculptures.

Simple Day

SIMPLE DAY from Guillaume Kurkdjian

Victor Medina- Harry Potter characters

Victor Medina

Fun collection of Harry Potter characters by Victor Medina

Kaly Live Dub

Kaly Live Dub – Allaxis from wasaru

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