Brigands, Nerds and Dread Pirates


The TV series “Firefly” and the subsequent theatrical release “Serenity” by the brilliant Joss Whedon introduced a fresh sense of humor, action and unique moments of pure creativity to a devoted fan base. As with all the best shows, when it ended it felt like saying goodbye to close friends for the last time. This tribute combines memorable quotes from both the movie and series. Find this and the following pieces available in the ChetArt online shop.


Joining the previous Coen brothers series tribute comes “O Brother Where Art Thou?,” a comedic treatment of Homer’s Odyssey set in Mississippi in 1937. On top of the acting and storyline, the lush cinematography and collection of folk songs have found a special place in my brain and heart.


When I picked up William Goldman’s novel “Princess Bride” back in the 70’s, I quickly realized I had discovered something special when I came to the first “commentary” in red ink. That same sense of fun hit me years later when Rob Reiner brought the twisted, tongue-in-cheek fairy tale to the big screen. This collection of quotes pays tribute to both the book and film for creating moments of perfect humor.


Sheldon Cooper, played expertly by Jim Parsons on the TV series “Big Bang Theory” is the quintessential nerd. Despite his chronic need to point out the mental shortcomings of those around him, he always finds a way to make you like him. This portrait pays tribute with a variety of quotes by and about him.

~Click Here to Browse the Series in the Online Shop~

“The Canine Transformation Anomaly”

“The Canine Transformation Anomaly” (a.k.a.-The Big Bark Theory) is presented as a signed Somerset Velvet Giclee print- limited edition of 250. Image area is 8″ x 10″ presented in an acid-free beveled 11″ x 14″ mat. Each comes with its own blind embossed atom graphic stamp for the edition number.


Available Here in the Etsy Shop.

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