SXSW Flatstock 43


At this year’s SXSW event, Flatstock 43 was in full force with an overabundance of poster goodness. 80+ artists comprised the selection this year offering a wide selection of styles and subject matter. Below is a small selection of highlights from the walk through. With so many talented folks, I wish I could have showcased them all.

(Click images for larger view)

DemoDemo showing the screen print process.

BossBoss Construction

DecoderRingThe Decoder Ring Design Concern

BrlsqBaizleyBurlesque of North America

DanBlack LandlandDan Black/Landland

impossiblemachineThe Impossible Machine

NapkinArtJonathon/Napkin Art Studios


f2f2 design

LurkDestroy JasonSmithJason Smith/Lurk and Destroy


MichaelHackerMichael Hacker

MethaneMethane Studios

BungalooJohn/The Bungaloo

eilandAaron Eiland

CarlosHernandezCarlos Hernandez

My take for the day was decidedly Lucha Libre themed. Posters by Arron Eiland and t-shirt by Carlos Hernandez. (both artists showcased directly above)


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