SXSW Flatstock 43


At this year’s SXSW event, Flatstock 43 was in full force with an overabundance of poster goodness. 80+ artists comprised the selection this year offering a wide selection of styles and subject matter. Below is a small selection of highlights from the walk through. With so many talented folks, I wish I could have showcased them all.

(Click images for larger view)

DemoDemo showing the screen print process.

BossBoss Construction

DecoderRingThe Decoder Ring Design Concern

BrlsqBaizleyBurlesque of North America

DanBlack LandlandDan Black/Landland

impossiblemachineThe Impossible Machine

NapkinArtJonathon/Napkin Art Studios


f2f2 design

LurkDestroy JasonSmithJason Smith/Lurk and Destroy


MichaelHackerMichael Hacker

MethaneMethane Studios

BungalooJohn/The Bungaloo

eilandAaron Eiland

CarlosHernandezCarlos Hernandez

My take for the day was decidedly Lucha Libre themed. Posters by Arron Eiland and t-shirt by Carlos Hernandez. (both artists showcased directly above)


Automagical Mural Art

Back in late December I was greeted by a super sized order from my Etsy shop for a large variety of prints. All monkeys.  I noticed that the buyer was Ben Chestnut, one of the co-founders of the Atlanta based company Mailchimp. Additionally I was proud to learn that he planned to pass them out as Christmas presents to his company’s employees. Monkey like!

A few weeks passed and then I was contacted by Mailchimp’s video impresario extraordinaire Joshua Rosenbaum with details of a project they thought would be just right for me. And how! The job was for a 12 foot by 40 foot long mural banner. This artwork was to be used for Mailchimp’s presence along the front of a building across from the convention center in downtown Austin for the annual South by Southwest conference. It would serve as a very large announcement to the world of some of their “Automagic” services. Their art direction was simple and straightforward: Invent a whimsical environment with a Rube Goldberg sprinkling of silly devices, add in some monkeys, Steampunk flavor to taste and… a unicorn. The resulting sketch composition was greeted with happy chimp screams. Working with Joshua and receiving input from their meetings to work out the details for the finished image was a true pleasure. The 500MB+ digital file was delivered to a large format vinyl wrap printing company and the site installation went up yesterday.

The art is also the centerpiece of the new “Automagical” landing page, replete with clanky, bubbling soundtrack. (shiny!)  In addition, Mailchimp worked out a sponsorship with Austin’s Intercontinental Hotel so that for the duration of the event the hotel key cards will be a special edition ChetArt card.

And the mural was designated as an official Gowalla point of interest:

Discover more Steampunk Monkey Business by visiting:

Steampunk Monkey Nation and The Society of Sinister Simians.

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