Mystery Travel Bureau

Mystery Travel Bureau series available as set of six 5″ x 7″ postcards and as individual 13″ x 19″ signed prints.

Online Shop Link

Lights! Camera! Kitties! Part II The Sequel

MovieCatsPackageSmallLights! Camera! Kitties! Part II The Sequel adds to the previous collection of cats in movies and TV. This latest group of eight 5″ x 7″ full color glossy postcards pays tribute to:

-Cat Wars: The Force Awakens
-The Cat Who Lived (Harry Potter)
-Imperator Furryosa (Mad Max)
-Cathiss Everdeen (Hunger Games)
-Doctor No! (James Bond)
-Lord of the Ringworm
-Indiana Jonesy (Indiana Jones/Alien)

8″ x 10″ and 11″ x 14″ archival signed prints are also available.

~Shop For Postcard Sets and Prints Here~



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Lights! Camera! Monkeys!

LCM SquareLogo

 What if monkeys and apes invaded Hollywood?

Lights! Camera! Monkeys! is a collection of eight 5″ x 7″ postcards showcasing monkeys in classic films and TV series. Each postcard is printed on sturdy 14 point premium uncoated cover stock and the reverse side includes a bit of back story or plot for each subject (monkey pun filled, of course.) Each set comes with one each of: Monkey Trek, Dr. Howler, Kill Bonobo, Monkey of Oz, Dr. Strangemonk, Lord of the Bananas, Monkey Wars and Planet of the Humans.

Postcard sets and signed 11 x 14 prints available in the

~ChetArt Shop~




LCM-PostcardGroup(click image to enlarge)

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