Wizard World 2016 Wrap Up

judgereinholdA highlight for me was a visit from Judge Reinhold. He purchased several prints and greeting cards, was truly supportive and graciously posed for a picture.

Wizard World Comic Con Austin was a great show on many levels. Wonderful support and purchases from attendees and the opportunity to visit with friends, fellow artists and fans, both returning and new.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop by and visit! The artist alley area was jam packed with talent. Here are just a few of some that I know and a few I had the privilege of meeting for the first time. Be sure and visit their links to see how great they really are and support their efforts:

Wizard of Barge

Elisa Wikey 

Rob Ozborne

Monica Knighton

Allen Grimes


Preston Asevedo

Hidden Dragon Art

Chris Pilch

Kit Lively

LuxCups Creative

addamsfamilytessaTessa Morrison, cosplay master!



Wizard World Austin 2016

wizardworldad640Austin’s Comic Con, a.k.a. Wizard World takes place September 23rd-25th at the Austin Convention Center.

ChetArt will be located in Artist Alley, table C-40.

ChetArt-Austin Comic Con 2014


The 2014 Austin Comic Con wrapped up on Saturday and it was a great show. Lots of wonderful folks came by to visit and purchase my art and I was overwhelmed with the fantastic support and friendliness. Thank you to everyone! Just when I thought that the record breaking sales day on Saturday would be my best memory, it was trumped by a visit to the booth by none other than Norman Reedus. He spotted the feline Daryl “Wagging Dead” tribute and along with it, snagged an Alien Big Wheel print. He’s an awesome person and offered up a kind compliment for my work. Thank you Norman and Austin Comic Con, for a great experience.







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