SXSW Flatstock 43


At this year’s SXSW event, Flatstock 43 was in full force with an overabundance of poster goodness. 80+ artists comprised the selection this year offering a wide selection of styles and subject matter. Below is a small selection of highlights from the walk through. With so many talented folks, I wish I could have showcased them all.

(Click images for larger view)

DemoDemo showing the screen print process.

BossBoss Construction

DecoderRingThe Decoder Ring Design Concern

BrlsqBaizleyBurlesque of North America

DanBlack LandlandDan Black/Landland

impossiblemachineThe Impossible Machine

NapkinArtJonathon/Napkin Art Studios


f2f2 design

LurkDestroy JasonSmithJason Smith/Lurk and Destroy


MichaelHackerMichael Hacker

MethaneMethane Studios

BungalooJohn/The Bungaloo

eilandAaron Eiland

CarlosHernandezCarlos Hernandez

My take for the day was decidedly Lucha Libre themed. Posters by Arron Eiland and t-shirt by Carlos Hernandez. (both artists showcased directly above)


Graham Erwin

Graham Erwin

Graham Erwin’s poster for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Pop Chart Lab

Hand Tools

Beautiful chart of hand tools from Pop Chart Lab.

Marko Manev

Marko Manev

Marko Manev has created a beautiful Lord of the Rings series of prints.

Heisenberg, Bueller and Ralphie


A series overflowing with incredible writing and acting,”Breaking Bad” dropped its viewers into a beaker of highly volatile creativity.  Vince Gilligan presented us with a unique cast of characters and plot lines that can be shocking one moment and slyly clever the next. It’s sad to see it end. This is my small way of paying tribute to one of the very best TV dramas and the most infamous chemistry teacher on the planet.

This image, as well as the following two are available for sale as signed 11 x 14 prints. Visit the ChetArt shop to learn more.


“Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” represents a signature piece from the 80s and one of John Hughes’ finest creations. Chock full of clever writing and a great message about seizing the day, it also serves as a love letter/postcard to the great city of Chicago. My tribute embraces Mr. Hughes’ genius and I wish he was still with us, creating more gems like this.


In 1983 Bob Clark transformed the incredible words of Jean Shepherd into the holiday classic “A Christmas Story.” The end result brought forth a flood of memorable and hilarious quotes that I’ve paid tribute to from this warm story of childhood dreams and nostalgia.

All three of these tributes are available as signed 11 x 14 prints.

~Visit this link for signed prints~

Norman Lear and The Princess Bride


The legendary Norman Lear poses with his framed print of my Princess Bride “As You Wish” image. Serving as executive producer for the film, he took a liking to my rendition of famous quotes, characters and icons of the cult classic. With this in mind, I happily worked with Act III Licensing  to produce a framed version for his birthday.

Growing up with the genius of his groundbreaking sitcoms “All in the Family,” “Sanford and Son, ” “Good Times,” “One Day at a Time,” “Maude,” “The Jeffersons” and “Fernwood Tonight,” it’s truly an honor for me to have a connection with him through this tribute print. A big thank you to Julie and Penny at Act III Licensing for making it all happen, documenting it, and to Mr. Lear for his appreciation of my efforts.


11 x 14 signed prints are available here.

Austin Craft Riot Summer Show


This weekend marks the 2nd annual summer show event hosted by Austin Craft Riot. 70 vendors anchor 2 days of art, music and food trucks at the Austin Music Hall.

ChetArt will be represented with a booth full of signed prints, card sets, books and more.

Learn more here.


ChetArt at SDCC 2013



ComicCon2013map(Click to Enlarge)

ChetArt will be represented at this year’s San Diego Comic Con in the Small Press Area, Booth O-01. “The Land of Kaiju” limited edition alphabet book, card sets and prints will be available. Find lots of monkey-centric items as well, with Simian Playing Card packs, “Lights! Camera! Monkeys!” postcard sets and print plus some brand new Steampunk Monkey Nation prints.

La Boca

La Boca

Love the retro treatment of a re-imagined King Kong poster from La Boca.

Brigands, Nerds and Dread Pirates


The TV series “Firefly” and the subsequent theatrical release “Serenity” by the brilliant Joss Whedon introduced a fresh sense of humor, action and unique moments of pure creativity to a devoted fan base. As with all the best shows, when it ended it felt like saying goodbye to close friends for the last time. This tribute combines memorable quotes from both the movie and series. Find this and the following pieces available in the ChetArt online shop.


Joining the previous Coen brothers series tribute comes “O Brother Where Art Thou?,” a comedic treatment of Homer’s Odyssey set in Mississippi in 1937. On top of the acting and storyline, the lush cinematography and collection of folk songs have found a special place in my brain and heart.


When I picked up William Goldman’s novel “Princess Bride” back in the 70’s, I quickly realized I had discovered something special when I came to the first “commentary” in red ink. That same sense of fun hit me years later when Rob Reiner brought the twisted, tongue-in-cheek fairy tale to the big screen. This collection of quotes pays tribute to both the book and film for creating moments of perfect humor.


Sheldon Cooper, played expertly by Jim Parsons on the TV series “Big Bang Theory” is the quintessential nerd. Despite his chronic need to point out the mental shortcomings of those around him, he always finds a way to make you like him. This portrait pays tribute with a variety of quotes by and about him.

~Click Here to Browse the Series in the Online Shop~

Alternative Posters- Gallery 1988

Gallery 1988

Gallery 1988 showcases a collection of alternative movie posters based on this year’s crop of Oscar nominees. via Shortlist

Rob Osborne

Fellow Austinite Rob Osborne has fun with a variety of pop culture references. Be sure to check out his hilarious yoga series.

Renegade Craft Fair Austin

A visit to the 2012 spring Renegade Craft Fair provided a wealth of creativity and great artistic energy. I enjoyed meeting folks from across the country as well as a great representation of local Austin artists and fellow Austin Craft Rioters. What follows, after the jump,is a small sampling of booths from the show. Be sure and click on images for a larger view.

Continue reading “Renegade Craft Fair Austin”

Indiana Jones Poster Series

Maxime Pecourt pulls together a host of iconic goodness from the Indiana Jones movies to create posters for the trilogy.

Tim Doyle

Fun interpretation of Homer’s favorite hangout by Tim Doyle. via Spoke

Hitchcock Posters

Check out this collection of re-imagined posters for classic Alfred Hitchcock movies.

via ShortList

John Martz- Trexels

The talented and clever John Martz has created a poster of 235 pixelated Star Trek characters. Can you name them all? If you can, there’s a good chance to win one of these beauties.

The Museum of Unnatural History

My kind of history lesson.

Daniel Danger

Daniel Danger’s work combines elements of mystery and atmosphere to create stories appropriately told around a campfire at night.

Peter Chan

Peter Chan’s work is a wonderful blend of mystery, humor and magic.

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