Ash vs. Evil Dead Gingerbread Cabin


Created by Johnny Larocque and Nicole Cooper

Blue Zoo Animation- More Stuff

More Stuff by Blue Zoo Animation from Blue Zoo

MST3K Kickstarter


Bring back Mystery Science Theater 3000- Kickstarter Link

Movie Phone Super Call

Movie Phone Super Call from Burger Fiction

An Improbable Weapon

An Improbable Weapon Supercut from Burger Fiction

Harry Potter Films Rated Worst to Best


Adam Chitwood looks back on the Harry Potter movie franchise and rates the films on their merits. I’m in total agreement with his ranking and have always loved Alfonso Cuaron’s magical and artistic take on “The Prisoner of Azkaban.”

via Collider

Grand Budapest Hotel/The Shining Mashup

Wes Anderson’s The Shining from Steve Ramsden

2014 Alternative Film Poster Art List


Shortlist has compiled a great list of poster art from alternative films of 2014, including one of my favorites, Jon Favreau’s Chef.

Daily Routines of Creative People


Chart showing the activities of famously creative people.

Click the graphic for a larger version.

Catnip- Simon’s Cat

Minimalist Horror Posters

They Live

Fun collection of posters depicting famous horror movies. via Chrome Yellow

Monkey Brains Bowl


Finally, the proper container for enjoying strawberry Jello. via Firebox

Nightmare Playgrounds


Shudder-worthy collection of “playground” images via Dark Roasted Blend.

Frankfurt Airport Becomes a Starport

 Frankfurt Airport cleverly transformed into a Star Wars Starport.

(despite the title, not really leaked footage)

Let’s Try Something Different


Movie Monster Size Chart

Monster Chart

Movie monster size relationship charts. via Short List

Harry Potter Covers


Compilation of Harry Potter book covers from around the world HERE.

RBDG Christmas Cards

Santa's Unified Theory2013 (Click Image to Enlarge)

For over 20 years I’ve had the honor of creating the Christmas card for Russ Berger Design Group. Russ has always been a hands off client, allowing me to have fun with whatever silliness I can come up with. Russ creates audio design for some big names and it’s always a fun challenge every year to find a new angle to keep them guessing. The majority of cards have usually included Russ and his employees. This year was a departure with a scientific approach to the magic of Christmas. Below is a sample of a few from the 21 cards I’ve created for Russ over the years.

Macy Parade1998

We're No Angels1999


Mall Rats2002

Carolers2004 (Click Image to Enlarge)

Skate Rock2005 (Click Image to Enlarge)

Song Titles2009



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