Funny Client Comments


Stranger than fiction. Visit this link for more client comments.

Television Set Design

TV design

Great collection of TV set designs. Via i09

Grilling Season

hemi grill

With summer here, it’s time to taking grilling seriously.

Movie Insults

“I’ll explain and I’ll use small words so that you’ll be sure to
understand, you warthog faced buffoon.” –The Princess Bride

Fun collection of famous movie insults to add to your repertoire, via ShortList.

Christmas Wishes

Here’s hoping everyone gets that special holiday gift they’ve been dreaming of.

A Winter’s Tale

I realized, with some surprise, that it was fast approaching 30 years since I first discovered and got lost in Mark Helprin’s “Winter’s Tale.” This story of magic set in New York at the turn of the century captivated me from the start and has stayed with me all those years. I’m hopeful that the upcoming big screen adaptation will do it justice and keep the magic alive.

Happy Thanksgiving

(Paul Frank’s Julius from the 2011 Macy’s Day parade)

Happy Thanksgiving!
May your day be bolstered by safe travels, TV parade white noise
and tryptophan induced dreams.

Slit-Scan Effect

This playful duo performs with the help of  the “slit-scan” technique.

Pumpkin Art

Chris Dugas has collected a fun selection of pumpkin carvings. via Outside the Cage

September 19th-Talk Like A Pirate Day

September 19th is “Talk Like A Pirate” Day

By the fearsome fangs of the Kraken, ye best be talking like yer life depends on it or say hello to the murky depths that guard Davy Jone’s locker. Arrrrrrr…….

Find “Monkey Wench” Merchandise here

A Very Large Cat

Either nice effects work or mutant cat.

Alternative Album Covers

View a fun collection of alternative album covers over at Shortlist. Above is a re-magining of Kraftwerk’s “The Man-Machine.”

Data Never Sleeps

Happy Fourth of July

Mind the Map

The London Transport Museum’s exhibition “Mind the Map: Inspiring Art, Design and Cartography” is a map lover’s dream. via The Guardian

J20 Fruit Master spot

Some anthropomorphic fun for J20 Fruit Master. Via It’s Art

Star Wars-Behind the Scenes

Great collection of behind the scenes photos of the Star Wars trilogy. Via Flavorwire

Movie Title Screens Collection

Visit this incredible archive of movie title screens for an seemingly endless source of type design and film nostalgia.

Steven Hill’s Movie Title Screens Page

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