Ayham Jabr

Photo collage work by Ayham Jabr.

Fong Qi Wei

Fong Qi Wei

Fong Qi Wei uses pieces of his time lapse photos to create unique collages.

Ekaterina Panikanova

Ekaterina Panikanova

Ekaterina Panikanova’s collage creations consist of painting multiple spreads of books.

Valero Doval

Valero Doval

Imaginative collage work from Valero Doval.

Matt Wisniewski

Matt Wisniewski creates surreal imagery by combining portraits with landscapes.

Nadine Boughton

Nadine Boughton stirs together collage elements of men’s magazine imagery with mid-century modern home interiors to formulate a hearty stew of kitschy fun.

Mark Wagner

Mark Wagner creates amazing collage work with currency.

John Stezaker

Whitechapel Gallery presents a collection of John Stezaker’s arresting photo collages.

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