70 Million by Hold Your Horses ! from L’Ogre on Vimeo.
This video is great fun.
Watching it brought back memories of my college art history classes. Sequestered away in a dark auditorium and introduced to a variety of historical art talents via slide show. Back then it was a combination of discovering wonderful new worlds of expression combined with a constant game show like memory challenge for the next exam. Manet or Monet? Doric, Ionic or Corinthian? Braque or Picasso?
I’ll always remember my final exam in an advanced art history class. We were each given our own picture of a long lost church structure and tasked with researching everything we could find on its architecture, sculpture and any other art detail. I looked on at disbelief at the image chosen for me: An overgrown field somewhere within a French countryside with a ramshackle pile of eroded stones partially hidden among the weeds. Needless to say, thoughts of anyone pursuing a career of art historian seemed mildly insane after I was given this task.