(Moments before the doors opened, the only two clear shots of the set up for the next 6 hours.)
Last Saturday we were a part of the annual Etsy Dallas Spring Bash. We scored a great spot in the gallery space. It turned out to be a tremendous day with a steady stream of customers, new contacts from some great people and loads of sales. Word is the line started at 8 AM for the official 11 AM opening, all for a chance to receive a limited number of giveaway bags. Thanks to everyone who came out and made it a great day.
We were so busy for most of the day, I was only able to get away from the booth to take a couple of shots of the area towards the end. Earlier it was elbow to elbow.
An Etsy Bash, what a great idea! It looks like it was fun too. Thanks for the photos of Chetsy and Betsy. : )