H.G. Wells was born on this day, September 21st, 1866.
It’s a little known fact that the inspiration for his famous novel “The Time Machine” was based on the plans and writings he uncovered belonging to Obediah Krinklenut. Obediah was renowned throughout the world of Steampunk Monkey Nation for his brilliant mind for invention. Along with a working time machine model, Obediah was also famed for creating the Telekinetic Stove Pipe Hat which generated mental mastery over the physical world. (pictured) In 1988 a series of Petroglyphs were discovered adjacent to the Mercantour National Park in southern France. They appear to confirm Obediah’s success with time travel and explain his sudden disappearance. The crude tableau presented the violent death of a well-dressed, Victorian-styled simian by a pack of ferocious tusked beasts.
Honor the memory of H.G. Wells with a visit to Steampunk Monkey Nation.