Dante Terzigni

Enjoyable compositions, subject matters and color schemes from Cleveland-based illustrator Dante Terzigni.

Helen Musselwhite

Check out more paper craft goodness from Manchester artist Helen Musselwhite.

Michael Cho

I can’t get enough of Michael Cho’s great line work, compositions and limited color choices. This  portrait is timely, with the Captain America: The First Avenger movie in production.

The HeArt of Papercuts

Visit artist Elsa Mora’s site for her amazing technique, details and visual concepts.

Ashley Wood

Ashley Wood creates beautiful paintings and also translates his work nicely into 3D statues.

Lee Misenheimer

Rich and intriguing monochromatic drawings by Lee Misenheimer.

Benjamin Lacombe

Due out in November, Benjamin Lacombe’s “Once Upon a Time…” fairy tale pop up book is sure to be sought by collectors.

Mike Worrall

Mike Worrall has been painting since the early 1960’s and claims he is almost entirely self taught.  He concentrates his subject matter towards exploring the subconscious with an appreciation of Paul Delvaux and Max Ernst amongst others.

Tire Sculptures

Recycled art in the form of used tire pieces.

Aaron Horkey

Beautiful line work and a brilliant collection of surreal imagery make Aaron Horkey’s work very satisfying.

Tom Gauld

Some of Tom Gauld’s illustration work has a nice twist of an updated Edward Gorey flavor to it.

Michael Myers

Michael Myers creates strong graphic images and wonderful caricatures using a pleasing color palette. The Lost fan in me really enjoys his cast portraits. (Dude.)

Alexei Lyapunov and Lena Ehrlich

Alexei Lyapunov and Lena Ehrlich are an artistic duo from Russia. They create amazing paper sculptures and follow up with thoughtful and creative lighting in many cases. Visit their site, People Too for more examples of their craft.

Tom Whalen

Tom Whalen’s use of colors, composition and subject matter is nothing short of fantastic.

Rob Bridges

I’m  really enjoying the aged and elegant look of Rob Bridges work. Great expression and use of colors.


Seb/Niark1, a French graphic designer, is creating some fun kinetic work.

Thrillist-Monkey Madness

A tip of the hat to Mike over at Thrillist for the great spotlight on my work today.

Paul Rogers-Name That Movie

Paul Rogers has a wonderful collection of  “movie clue” illustration sets that are both beautifully drawn and a fun challenge for movie buffs. His most recent is near and dear to my heart, due to a certain bellhop named chet! that is more than anxious to tend to your every need.

Mis Nopales Art

Jose Pulido is obviously having great fun creating his series of Calavera (Spanish for skull) characters. Much of his work takes the form of Gocco prints and T-Shirts.

Altered Ceramics

Bunny With A Chainsaw from Snew

The craft of creatively combining ceramic molds into new visual statements is something I discovered shortly after joining the world of Etsy. If David Lynch had a Victorian parlor, I can imagine his curio cabinet chock full of these. (Maybe he does!)

Eternal Robin from TheRunnyBunny

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