2012 Toy Joy Art Show

The Good, The Bad And The Monkey will be among the four ChetArt pieces chosen for the 2012 Toy Joy art show. Artwork by the Toy Joy staff and 30 local guest artists will be represented, along with fellow Austin Craft Riot members Erin Mason Flynn, Lauren Hemphill and Mamus James Judd.

Reception will be held at Tom’s Tabooley, Thursday August 9th from 6-10. Show runs through September 1st.


What do you get when you combine the awesomeness of the bat with the flavor of the Victorian goggled Steampunk world? Why the Steambat, of course. Austin, Texas is world renowned for its bats. So with a Steampunk treatment, the town’s winged residents take on an additional level of weirdness mixed with turn-of-the-century fun.

This “Dapper Darksinger” is available on a variety of apparel, tote bags, (flying) mouse pads, coffee cups and more. Choose with or without the “Austin, TX” designation.

Click Here to browse the official Steambat! merchandise shop.

Just a small sampling of merchandise available below. Dozens of colors and styles available in the ChetArt shop.

Shop Steambat! Here

Renegade Craft Fair Austin

A visit to the 2012 spring Renegade Craft Fair provided a wealth of creativity and great artistic energy. I enjoyed meeting folks from across the country as well as a great representation of local Austin artists and fellow Austin Craft Rioters. What follows, after the jump,is a small sampling of booths from the show. Be sure and click on images for a larger view.

Continue reading “Renegade Craft Fair Austin”

Ink It Labs

Check out this great service from Ink It Labs. Custom order double-sided printed and laser cut charms, available on acrylic and wood. Brought to you by fellow Austin Craft Riot member Lauren Hemphill. I’ve got to figure out just the right monkey art for this.

Ender’s Game

I was recently approached by a set decorator working for the movie production of “Ender’s Game.” Based on the Orson Scott Card book, “Ender’s Game” will star Asa Butterfield in the title role, Abigail Breslin, Ben Kingsley and Harrison Ford. Six of my prints were purchased to incorporate into the set decoration, primarily within Ender’s bedroom. Among the chosen works are “Courage” (above), “The Neighbor and “Space Race Monkey.” The film is due out in 2013.

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