“Muertos Buster” by Chet Phillips
Chogrin presents “No Ghost Logos: Artists From Around the World Take On the Ghostbusters Logo.” This is a special 1 night art event happening on Friday, October 30th @ Creature Features Art Gallery (Burbank). The show will pay tribute to the classic Ghostbusters “NO-GHOST” logo and the man behind it, Michael C. Gross. 30 artists were invited by Chogrin to do their own interpretation of the Ghostbusters logo. All sales from the art sold will be donated to a cancer foundation (to be announced soon). All thirty pieces have been collected into a promotional poster (below.)
My contribution combines the familiar logo pose with a Day of the Dead character titled “Muertos Buster.” Each piece will be presented and for sale as a print on wood at the show. Visit the official event’s tumblr page HERE.